
How thoughts and feelings dictate your life by johnhstringer
April 19, 2011, 6:41 pm
Filed under: Inner Being, Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness

Excerpt from recent guidance received from the inner being / spirit:

“…instead of embracing your life and moving from a place of true power
you instead move from a  place of contraction, of limitation and of resistance
and you attract more of the same
the desires you go after only bring you more suffering, more resistance, more pain, amplifying that which is already within
likewise, when you are content and happy, when you are grateful for what is,
you bring into your life more that amplifies these thoughts and feelings
life is about consistent growth
so if your thoughts and feelings are those of fear and resistance
you will receive more circumstances that amplify the same
if your thoughts and feelings are of love and gratitude, joy and peace
you will receive circumstances that amplify the same…”

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