
It is time to uproot these illusions by realitylove
October 26, 2010, 4:34 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , ,

oh what joy splendor and direction
you can receive in this moment
by opening yourself to the divine within
by letting go of all else and surrendering to this power this moment
this now
this true nature reality
breathe in deeply and consciously
and know that you are the divine incarnate
know that you are everything you need be now
and all you need release is that which has programmed you to believe
or better put
that which contradicts your divinity
any thought feeling belief
anything that tells you are not the divine
is the limitation that separates you from experiencing your true power
it is time to uproot these illusions
and return to the alignment
the union
the oneness
the glory of your true nature
the source of all creation is within you now
and around you
you are part and whole as we have communicated before
and if you desire to experience this oneness
which you do but may not realize
then you must surrender  now
do not think it is something to be achieved later down the line
surrender now
as best as you can
and all else comes as needed
this is the only step you need concern yourself with
alignment and surrender are one in the same
align now
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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The divine that you are by realitylove

and you continue in this moment
this crystallized instance of being yes this second
you realize that you are here for the divine purpose of shining a light
that light within
that light that you are an extension of
never separated from the divine goodness and flow
universal in every way
the good of creation
the life force that animates all living and all being
this is your nature who you are and what you have come to be
and through your surrender through your yielding to and seeking out the direction of spirit
through that process in whatever form it takes for you
whatever form that works
this is why you are here to bring enjoyment and expansion to source and to know consciously that this is what is happening in every moment
you are awakening and experiencing the divine purpose
the divine life
the divine will
the divine that you are
you are learning of yourself now
and this will continue
as you apply what you learn
the lessons the love the light will expand
and you will reach the very purpose you have come for
be not dismayed by anything you come across
hold to the truth
that you are the divine
that you are fully holy in every way
and that you have the power to realize your true divinity by letting go of all to the contrary
realize it now
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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You shall continue to increase your vibration by realitylove
October 24, 2010, 5:49 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , ,

so much to give say and be
so much to do have and understand
so much to comprehend indeed
this is your stead
this is the plight you are on in this form
as spirit in human incarnation
this is the role you have chosen
and you will learn and you will see
you will grow and you will do have and be
exactly what you choose
understand that indeed the growth you are encountering now is from the spirit
it is what results from yielding consistently to the will of the spirit
and you shall continue to increase your vibration yes
continue to reap the blessings of alignment and dissolving the ego
do not fear the ego do not fear the need to be vigilant
for every success indeed strengthens you
and you will become better and better at detecting when you have let go of truth
you will become better and better at aligning and surrender from moment to moment
simply continue to practice to seek to yield and all else will fall into place as it should
do not fret where you are now
know that you are exactly where you need be
and all your needs wants and desires will be met as they require for  your best and highest development
indeed this is the path of the enlightened if you will
the path to dissolving all illusion
to letting go of the ego and freeing yourself from suffering
to infinite bliss yes know that you are sacred holy and divine
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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You will not achieve it until you are by realitylove

nor the find when you let go of the foolishness
will it ever forsake you
permanent change comes with letting go of illusion and encountering the truth of who you are
this knowledge is transformational this knowledge
will leave you different
and you can never escape that because once your consciousness has tasted of the truth it is forever altered in this form yes
so know that all you need do is let go of the anticipating
let go of the wanting and longing
yearning and groveling
let go of all such nonsense
and know that you can simply ask and receive
“enlightenment” is something ambiguous
but most are seeking freedom from illusion
and that can be had by asking and receiving
that can be had now
are  you willing and ready to go through what the cost is
are you willing
if not
you will not achieve it until you are
it takes getting acquainted with suffering and its pointlessness
to bring you to the point of readiness
if you have not gone through enough pointlessness
then you will not be ready
this is not to say that suffering or pointlessness are required to become “enlightened”
or to rid oneself of illusion
this is simply to say that awareness of the illusions brings about the desire for truth
and once you have endured enough of these illusions
once you have become aware enough of the suffering caused by illusion
you will be ready to let go and enter the truth
enter the world of reality
unaffected by the suffering the illusion the Maya
you will be ready to enter the transcendent peace of your true nature
the love that is limitless unbounded
forever expanding and who you really are
yes and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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Surrender is the only way by realitylove
October 22, 2010, 2:09 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , ,

ok now
listen once again
there is a power so great so pure so divine so potent
within you and all you need do  is remove the garbage that covers it
that hides it from you
remove the filth
the conditioned thinking the troubles
the worries the concerns
that make you think that you are less than who you really are
that have you believe you are less than all
remember you are divine an extension of source
and as such
you are one with al that is indeed
never forget that you are the extension of source here to be in this individualized form on purpose
with purpose
for purpose
full of purpose
thus once you open your eyes and recognize
your true divinity your purposeful nature
perhaps you will enjoy living on purpose much more
this is your calling this is why you exist
why not let go of the suffering and enter bliss
this is a much better existence
and the one you are best suited for
how do you enter this bliss you say
surrender is the only way
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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To see beyond the appearances of these things by realitylove

listen you are ready to hear this
stop the incessant groveling
trying and struggling
to change
allow change to flow from the perfection you are
even you attempts to grow come from a place of lack
until you find your wholeness and recognize the strength the power the magnificence within you
you will only attract more struggle more resistance more circumstances to see flaws
there is a time for all things
and now is the time for you to elevate your consciousness
to see beyond the appearances of these things
and know the truth
see the higher level of existence and know that you are an extension of divine love
infinitely perfect in every way
do not hold on to the old teachings you’ve received of a flawed sinful nature
this is betrayal of your birthright and has left many in lack and limitation
has left many denying the spirit of God within all things
do not give ear to this distortion of reality
know that the truth is you are divine in every way and until you recognize this fact
until you give your mind your consciousness
over to surrendering to this truth
you will forever limit your growth and attract more of the same suffering
same hell that leads you to believe in a sinful nature
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Let go of the debate by realitylove
October 20, 2010, 5:01 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , ,

let go of your predisposition with problems
let go of your predisposition with trying to understand it all and instead of arguing one way or another
ask for clarity ask for guidance
this is the whole point of surrender
this is the whole point of letting go of your way of doing things that has caused the suffering caused the confusion and restlessness
the dissatisfaction
let go of these ways
and give way to a greater understanding that comes from the spirit
that comes from your connection to the infinite mind
that comes through your intuition yes
let go of the debate
let go of the turmoil and disagreement
and give way to the spirit to make all things clear
yes and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Any thought that characterizes your existence as in need of something is a thought of victimization by johnhstringer
October 19, 2010, 3:48 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: ,

yes victimization
it is such a clever egoic trick
it is something so subtle and so ingrained in the thinking of some
that it must be rooted out with extreme prejudice
it takes practice and it takes patience
it takes love and compassion
it takes realizing that you are indeed not a victim
and that this world is designed for your good in every way
no matter what your mind encounters
recognize that any thought posing a threat
or any thought recognizing a threat to you
is a thought of victimization
any thought recognizing lack or limitation is a thought of victimization
any thought that characterizes your existence as in need of something is a thought of victimization
realize that you are exactly where you need be and these thoughts and feelings and yearnings and longings
and desires yes
even desires
fueled by the lack of something
are simply thoughts of victimization
if you surrender to this realization you will begin to recognize this conditioned pattern within you
it is victimization because it denies the truth of your nature
the true power that you have already
it denies who you really are
a perfect whole spirit in this human form
any condition
even the external where you recognize need from a place of lack is victimization
take for example needing food
you may feel hunger and you  may go to find food and nothing is there
if you feel a sense of urgency
fear, resistance or frustration and panic
then this is victimization in every way
however, should you choose to simply ask for guidance on what to do about food and put your trust in source to provide
you let go of victimization and enter submission to the will of source
to your soul’s desire
this is how to escape the attack thoughts
the patterns of the ego that keep you in bondage
you then come from a place of surrender
not of victimization
there is a beautiful difference
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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When the truth of who you are that actually matters matters by realitylove
October 18, 2010, 8:38 pm
Filed under: Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

oh and what joy
what magic what peace
what surrender
what passion joy and promise
what fulfillment
what fulfillment in every good way on every good level indeed
in the realization of who you are
in the realization beyond intellect beyond thinking
beyond just mind
but that penetrates every part of you yes
the realization of the real
the incarnation of the incarnate
the true you
when all else falls away when the truth of who you are that actually matters matters
then you shall know without question the reality of bliss
the reality of fulfillment
the reality of all good now
here in this moment this presence beyond time and place
beyond mind and space
all that is within you which is real
illuminates the world
allow it to unfold freely
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Surrender by realitylove
October 17, 2010, 4:35 pm
Filed under: love, Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

soar into that great unknown territory that you fear
that great area of development that has eluded you
for you have been unwilling to let go completely
to risk appearing odd our out-of-place out of touch
do not worry whatsoever what others thinking in unnatural ways deem you
the only concern you need have is to see self as source sees self as you
this is where you are going when you surrender all
you need only continue practicing the tone the feeling the vibration of this surrender
of relief of gratitude love and the like
and you will feel the union the oneness
you will know that oneness first hand yes
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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