
You are not alone in experiencing these effects by realitylove
October 6, 2010, 10:02 am
Filed under: love, Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

your thoughts come so fast
and you have not yet learned to control them
you must recognize that these thoughts bring with them effects
and that you are not alone in experiencing these effects
but that you can ensure the effects are the best and highest
by continuing to focus your thoughts on truth
and you will know truth by the effect it has upon you yes
you will know truth by its vibration
if it feels like love
gratitude joy passion
then you know it is closer to truth than not
allow truth to unfold in this way and know you can give your best and highest effort to raising your vibration
to raising the power of your perception
and creating greater and better effects for all concerned yes
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

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These are simply temporary manifestations that match what you possess inside by realitylove

for whatever  you seek
whatever your wish know that you find the true solution the true essence
the real solution to your desire
do not let your projected ideas and thoughts
deceive you that you need anything outside of yourself
these are simply temporary manifestations that match what you possess inside
the conditions the circumstances events the people you find in your life
and the meaning you draw from these are all simply reflections of what is within you now
you decide what to create to focus on through what you entertain internally
if you wish to see something else occur in your external
take that as a clue as to what you are seeking internally
and ask why do you want the external
this will reveal the intention
which will point you closer to the internal desire you seek
typically these desires are for some form of love
happiness fulfillment
joy gratitude
these desires are some form of passion some form of peace
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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This is the realization that you must begin to embrace by realitylove

receive that which is here for you now
receive the love
the beauty the joy the peace
receive it all and know that nothing can separate you from it
for the illusions that you accept only give you the appearance of separation
and thus you create suffering your own hell
but heaven is already here for you within
heaven is here now for you to partake in through surrender
through letting go of the illusions
the thinking that tells you you are in need of something to make you whole
the only thing you need to make you whole is recognition of the truth
that you are already so
yes indeed
this is the realization that you must begin to embrace
and un-train your mind of all that tells you otherwise
recognize the true power you possess
the fact that you are an extension of source and that makes you the creative force and power in part and in whole of that which has created this universe
you have been blessed with the creative power to determine your reality through perception through thought through mind
but take heed what thoughts  you entertain what perception you choose
what illusions you become entangled in
for that which you give in thought and in mind
you receive
this is what you call karma
this is what you call egoic thinking
this is the pattern of thought that you must break wide open in yourself
and ensure you allow that which is best and highest in thought to unfold
for it is within you now
the truth the wisdom the power the love
all in divine infinite form
available to you in abundance now
let go and feel into this very moment
breathe and know that only the truth can set you free from lack and limitation and it is there
release the lack thoughts
the limitation thoughts
all of which are indeed meaningless
and embrace the abundance of this moment
by doing so you are entering into the true vibration you are here to experience
you are aligning with your true essence
with source
and allowing the flow of source energy to do the good work it desires in and as you
yes and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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The vibrations of passion, love by realitylove

now you are wondering when your good will come
when that which you desire
that which you have asked for in the external will appear
do you not see that you already have your good
and that only the spiritual is real
therefore you already have the power to create that which you desire
at any time
for your true desire is not the external manifestation you have assigned your power to
your true soul’s desire is the thrill of life
the vibrations of passion love
these are the things you seek
and you think these external desires will somehow bring about that which your soul seeks
you already have the power to bring it about now
through concentration
through visualization
through imagination
through your own internal resources
you have the power now to create the world you desire
the external does not matter
it will bend to whatever you create internally
so you have the choice at all times to create the world you want internally and you will already have what you desire
keep this in mind
at all times
realize the external is an illusion
the meaning you ascribe to it is all projection
the internal is the real
the spiritual
and you have the creative power to design it as you like
let go of the illusions
do what is necessary to allow the truth to replace all illusion in your life
if you seek true fulfillment
otherwise know that the cycle of disappointment and temporary joy
that never quenches the soul’s desires will be all you receive in this form
you decide
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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The internal states you desire by realitylove

and what you seek
what you want
is all internal
states of peace love and contentment
fulfillment and the like
all internal things that you seek effect from external things to receive
know that this never works, hence the dissatisfaction that eventually sets in from those who reach their external goals
it is only possible to feel contentment within from the expansion of consciousness
once the vibrations you truly seek are obtained once you finally focus on creating the internal state the correspond with the will of source, with the desire of your soul
you then find fulfillment that is long-lasting
that is permanent that is attainable at any and all times
this satisfaction, this fulfillment this peace this bliss
is spiritual and will be amplified by the external it attracts
thus, focus on cultivating the consciousness
the internal states you desire and you will have all else
for this is again the only way to fulfillment
yes and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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All of these states are possible in limitless degrees by realitylove

and there was no reason
ever to doubt the power
ever to doubt the perfection
there was never a reason to do so
only false ideas and hopes
powerless conviction
and illusory anticipations
that gave you the idea something was needed
something was wanted that could bring about anything better than what is
the truth is only spiritual expansion can bring about what you seek
the truth of who you are
source in part and in whole
seeking expression through form
you need only see from the perspective of source
in order to experience this expansion in a way that fulfills
and that requires alignment
requires letting go of all that separates you from the truth
and as you practice letting go and allowing truth allowing your nature allowing all that is real to unfold through you as you
you will know the truth
and be set free from suffering
free from worry and discontent
free form the incessant wanting that never brings fulfillment
you will indeed
experience true peace
true serenity
true relief
true freedom
true bliss
true love
all the things that are inside of you around you
through you as you
all of these states are possible in limitless degrees
give yourself to surrender
and know that source is always who you are
in part and in whole
understand you are life itself
and that very life that sustains you is seeking to be magnificent
excited peaceful tranquil
and limitless in expression of love
feelings of love
thoughts of love
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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At all times there is balance perfection and harmony available in abundance by realitylove

and your focus
your concentration is as important as your breathing
because as you focus as you concentrate
you focus energy on creating
as you allow the energy to flow through you toward your intentions
you bring about manifestations that match the intentions
the vibrations
this is the practice that we call you toward
that we lead you to
this is the practice that source has become you to experience
manifesting in form as an individualized extension
this is part of the bliss
one and the same as that which you feel in the highest states
creation is an act of love
it is all part of the same expansion
the same experience
it is all one with that which you are yes
know that all is well and all you need do is focus on higher vibrations
focus on seeing the world as perfect
feeling perfection
for that is the spiritual that is the truth
that which comes to mind and tells you otherwise
is the illusion
that is what separates you from reality
not something real
in the sense of everlasting and absolute
but something temporal and illusory is all that separates
you from yourself
let it go by recognizing  you are so much more
that life is so much more
that love is all around at all times and abundant
never are you without the power to tap into bliss
at all times there is balance perfection and harmony available in abundance
it is simply a matter of you letting go of all that says otherwise
what else is there for you to get
only temporal manifestations of the real
and that is fine
but do not give up your power for happiness fulfillment and bliss now
for the sake of manifesting something in the material
this is backward thinking
this is the powerless
illusory logic so many have fallen prey to
by giving into this illusion and forever chasing a lie
for ever chasing an empty feeling
know that only spirit can fulfill
only spirit can truly give lasting peace and joy
chase not after the material to quench the spiritual desire
instead find the spiritual inner state that quenches the desire
and allow the material to be birthed from that
that will bring everlasting joy peace and fulfillment no matter the circumstance
no matter the state of the material
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Let go of the misery when it arises by realitylove
September 21, 2010, 3:30 pm
Filed under: love, Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

you are here to listen
to act
to do to believe
to receive
to give to love
to live fulfilled
you are here for bliss for this
love is greater than all else
you are here to be this love
the same love from which you came
the same love that fills you now
the same love the speaks to you and gives you life
you are here to be this love
to give this love
to live this love feel this love
you are here to enjoy to participate in the grand expansion
causing ever more light to enter into this place
you are here for so much good
and all you need do is surrender
let go of the misery when it arises
realize it is just illusion and let it go
focus on the truth that all is spirit
and all is therefore perfect
because spirit is perfect in every way
there is no lack in spirit
therefore there is no lack in reality
there is only misperception
and that can be changed by your own decision
let go of the lies the mis-perceptions
the illusions
that tell you you are anything less than perfect
that tell you life is anything less than perfect
for you are a masterful creation
and the mystery of life can be understood through surrender
and so it  is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Passionate joyful gracious by realitylove

you are ready whenever  you choose
indeed ready to receive all the good present
for you are a vessel of almighty light
a vessel of love
and you determine your vibration in any given moment
also choose the vibrations that are best and highest for all concerned
by seeking asking thinking on the best and highest thoughts of love
you have heard it said good feeling thoughts are what to strive for
indeed this is one way to bring about the alignment with source  your soul desires
another is to simply feel into vibrations that are powerful strong good
passionate joyful gracious
feel into that which is most moving for you in any moment
that feels best for you
however you need do this
that will certainly ensure your alignment in any moment
for it is a matter of the internal states that you seek
and remember
you simply project these states onto external situations
but the internal is where it all stems
all joy all love
all passion
all power
external amplify and convey
but the power is from within
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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Know that you are able to do so by realitylove
September 17, 2010, 10:22 pm
Filed under: love, Spirituality, Stream of Consciousness | Tags: , , ,

let this be a reminder that in this moment this perfection
you are all you need be
it is only that which comes into your head and tells you otherwise
that you need work on letting go
it is only that which tells you the contrary that you need release
and allow your mind to then create from a place of bliss
a place of wholeness and completeness
this is love
love lacks nothing fears nothing
is full perfect and complete in every way
you are limitless love
and as such
you have the ability to create whatever you desire whatever is in the best and highest for all concerned
and this will be your legacy
living a life fulfilled
living a life of bliss of light
this will be your impression upon the universe not
for this is why you exist
to live a fully filling life of love and light
know that you are able to do so
by simply letting go of the lies that say you cannot
allow now
and so it is

– Stream of consciousness writing from John Stringer

– Find out more about this blog by reading the BACKGROUND STORY.

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